I have a deck of cards called Soulcards
(created by Deborah Koff-Chapin, a genius of an artist),
which I use to look into people brave enough to sit in front of me and be told off.
I tell them what I see of them, who they are at the moment,
who they may have been before,
what they have now in terms of personal problems & agendas that could be of help,
and what may happen later in the foggy future.
I've been called a fortune teller (my most abhorred of titles),
diviner, soul soother, soul reader.
I don't like to think of myself as any of those things, really -
I just look at a person, and start reading them.
That's what I do, Mondays to Fridays, til I'm done with my last client.
The past few months have proven difficult
for walk-in prospective clients to be accommodated,
simply because a lot of people ask for readings in advance.
I love what I do.
I've met the most illuminating, intelligent, uplifting people through what I do.
I have a definite way with words, thanks to my voracious reading habits,
and I make great use of my vocabulary.
I need to be facile with the language in order to put across in the most apt words
what I see of the person I'm reading, in order for them to understand.
I've succeeded on the most part, and with those I sweat blood over in the trying,
I still feel a sense of vindication in knowing I tried,
in the most desperate of measures,
to tell them what I meant.
It's a tough process, always.
The most beautiful aspect of what I do
is the opportunity for introduction to a multitude of characters that this allows me.
I would never have been able to have in my circle of friends
those I list as such had it not been for my readings.
Another reason why I can never leave this
is because of my curious nature.
Every person in this world has his own singular story to tell,
and most of the time it's a fascinating, eye-popping, breath-catching tale.
I get a chance to go front seat each time,
and then,
at the most crucial part in his present life,
I'm invited to jump in & steer the boat, so to speak.
There was a time when I was verily hesitant to take the tiller,
but the invitation was honestly given,
with some of them acts of ultimate desperation -
and again, who am I to say no?
So I learn the story,
the tale alive before my eyes,
and at one point I am part of it.
Exhilirating, exhausting, emotionally draining, empowering, and ultimately educational.
This happens Every Single Time, and it's a journey incomparable.